Family Bonding------x

Dear Internet,
Tell me, why is it that everyone gets on my case on what to do when I get out of high school? Sure, I do have things I want to do, but I just don't know what of those things I want to stick with for the rest of my life. That's what My dad asked me when he forced us out to dinner with him. When I said I don't know, he went off on me, my mom just sat back and remained silent not even helping me out because she agrees with him. She already blew up on me in the past for that. Anyway that was a blast. He didn't seem to appreciate my one word answers to him. He tells me that "smart" people don't have an attitude like I do. He doesn't seem to understand that I only have this attitude towards him. He tells me I'm stupid, he says "With that attitude you're not going to get anywhere in life. I hope you'll enjoy living life on the streets like some whore."  What does his ass know about being smart anyway? I'm more talented then him, I'm better looking, I most certainly have a higher IQ and am way smarter than he is. Well, he'll just have to swallow his words, when I'm famous we'll see who "isn't going anywhere" then. He'll regret every time he's brought me down. Another cheesy line from yours truly, but you'll just have to deal with it.


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